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Closure of the 13th National epoxy application Technical Symposium

The the October autumn autumn harvest season, the beautiful Xuanwu Lake, majestic Purple Mountain, hosted by the Chinese Academy of Forestry Forest Chemical Industry Research Institute, Shanghai McNally New Materials Co., Ltd., Nanjing Huayuan non-metallic powder materials Limited in association with the 13th National epoxy application technology academic exchanges, on October 31, 2009 to November 2, held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Jinling Star Hotel Victory. The theme of the conference: "China epoxy Institute of Applied Technology Development 25 Review and Outlook, to summarize Society development is synchronized with the epoxy system development and application of technology in the past 25 years! China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association and deputy director of marketing, the chairman of the senior engineers of the Institute of Applied Technology of China epoxy Wang Zimin, guidance and attend the conference. From the country's 18 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and 155 state-owned, sole proprietorship, joint ventures and private enterprises, 226 leaders, experts, entrepreneurs and young scientists and technicians to participate in this grand and warm epoxy resin system and the application of technology industry event and party! Experts and entrepreneurs to participate in the exchange will also learn to older generation, they have made great efforts and contributions to the development and growth of the Institute of Applied Technology of China epoxy. More young technology workers, everyone congregated in the same purpose, and discuss the major event of the epoxy resin system and application technology industry development.
Guests to attend are: the host Chinese Academy of Forestry, deputy party secretary of the Institute of Forest Chemical Gu Liming Guo tame the universe; Bluestar New Chemical Materials Co., Ltd. Wuxi Resin Changfuchangchang; quarter of China Organic Fluorine and Silicone Material Industry Association Gang; unsaturated polyester resin Industry Association Secretary-General Xiao Shuhong. The opening session of the meeting, presided over by the vice chairman of the Institute, Professor Li Guilin. Level senior opening remarks of Professor Yu Hao, Secretary-General of the Institute of Applied Technology of China epoxy resin, epoxy resin system from across the country and the application of technology industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and science and technology workers: a warm welcome to participate in the event of the 25th anniversary of the Society was founded! 2 1st national epoxy application technology academic exchange of epoxy resin systems and application technology industry has always been a major event, proved that each exchange will have become the industry event and party. Forest Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, deputy party secretary Gu Liming welcoming remarks: experts from across the country, entrepreneurs to Nanjing to gathering a total supplier of epoxy resin systems and application technology development event, extend a warm welcome . Bluestar New Chemical Materials Co., Ltd. Wuxi, resin Changfuchangchang of tame the universe caused Greeting: Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Applied Technology of China epoxy resin, to congratulate the convening of the 13th National epoxy application technical academic exchanges, 25 years have made outstanding contributions to the Society for the development of China's epoxy system development and application of technology.

China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association and deputy director of marketing, epoxy Applied Technology Society, chairman Wang Zimin, made an important speech: Every time participate in the exchange of the China Institute of epoxy resin application technology, always feel very harmonious and comfortable, just like the big family of the industry; unite this exchange meeting so many entrepreneurs and scientific workers to reflect scientific and technological progress and the development of China's epoxy resin system and application technology exchanges through the General Assembly and after communication, to reach a consensus and interactive. To learn is to use this platform to play the role of the application of technology and services for the industry to carry forward the industry culture, and to serve its members. Learn to play an old expert technical superiority of the old comrades, to make full use of various resources, to give every member works to take full advantage of this industry to exchange information, transfer of technology platforms. Institute of the industry today more and more important role, and must be done to strengthen exchanges and communications, to do more, and better service for the industry, for large exchange, held annually in the future to accommodate our epoxy resin systems and application technology the needs of the development of science and technology. Chiu Hok years, China epoxy Institute of Applied Technology professor-level senior executive vice president, epoxy Institute of Applied Technology development 25 Retrospect and Prospects envisaged report, he said: epoxy Institute of Applied Technology created so far since April 5, 1984, and always follow the "service industry, services for enterprises, service members" of purpose. 25 years, the Institute hosted 13 national large epoxy application technology academic exchanges; held various professional and technical short (training) training courses 13 times; Society regional chapters, various professional committees convene the Annual Meeting and Symposium 56; journal of the Society of editing and publishing epoxy applied technology magazine 100, and he said to the Society every organized an event, every step forward, leaving a unforgettable and memorable footprint ... Looking to the future under the leadership and guidance of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, the Society should adapt of epoxy resin systems and application technology industry, the rapid development of the situation, do a good job in the Institute of activity this platform, so learn to maintain the development and grow, the better for the industry, and services for enterprises, service members, and fully act as a "bridge", "link" role, better, more powerful epoxy resin system and the application of technology to guide and direct the development of the industry. Warm applause of all the deputies, chairman Wang Zimin congratulations to the Society of the newly formed Regional Branch of the Yangtze River Delta, to the branch of the Secretary-General XIA Jian-ling researcher awarded Branch bronze medal. Proceedings of the exchange will total 77 papers published nearly two years to the epoxy resin system and application technology, new materials, new technology, innovation and technology exhibition, as well as in construction, civil engineering, water conservancy, electrician, a wrap-up of the electronics and composite materials innovation and technological progress and exchange. Assembly theme of the report in the form of sub-professional lectures, keynote preach: Professor Qiu Henian level senior: the composition of the process chain of the epoxy resin vacuum casting technology; Professor Li Guilin level senior: paint formulation design and paint Development Overview ; Professor Sun Manling: Introduction of epoxy composite materials and their application infrastructure technology; senior engineer Chuck Wenhai: wind power development status and wind power with epoxy materials market research report; Professor Wu Liangyi level senior engineer: epoxy resin and its main raw material for industrial status quo and its trends. A total of 26 experts, entrepreneurs, and scientific and technical personnel to preach the papers, the full performance of today's epoxy resin system and application technology industries and areas of expertise, technology innovation and product level as well as a hot market in the General Assembly.

The new features of the meeting, the young scientists and technicians has become the mainstream of the conference to share and constitute a force in the industry, representative structure is academic exchanges will constitute the production, learning and research platform for the exchange of providers. During the meeting, the delegates a detailed, in-depth exchanges and transmission of information through a variety of ways, to renew old acquaintances, new friends and acquaintances to the purpose. During the meeting Society also held the 3rd Council Meeting of the 7th session of the Council, Wang Zimin chairman took part in the Council, and made an important statement: Society of entrepreneurs and technology of the professional staff House 25 years due to the application The day-to-day work of the Society and planning activities, is in line with the law of development of epoxy resin systems and application technology industry has been rapid development and growth of the application Society! Hoped each Society to fully play your role and obligations, to further strengthen Application Society, and play for the industry, for the enterprise, the role of service members, and only for the entire industry "good service, Application Society the authority and role of corporate members to get recognized. Epoxy Institute of Applied Technology at ho at the meeting, the Secretary-General, to do the work over the past two years, the relocation of the Industrial Research Institute of Tianjin Synthetic Material Report "About the Society Secretariat, inter alia, that" the board meeting to form the resolution of all by members of some of the specific requirements of all directors of the participants into a heated discussion, the formation of a consensus and recognition, and with warm applause by the report on the work of the Secretariat. During the meeting Society executive director will also branch of the Council and the Institute of the Yangtze River Delta region, the Institute of the Northwest Branch, Institute of Central China Branch, Institute of South China branch and learn southwest region club leadership communication, discussion and coordination of the work plan for 2010 and organization building vision.

To attend the closing ceremony of the conference guests: China Organic Fluorine and Silicone Material Industry Association, Mr. Ji Gang, China Unsaturated Polyester Resin Industry Association, Miss Xiao Shuhong, respectively, made a warm congratulatory speech. Society executive vice president of Professor Qiu Henian level senior profound and systematic summary of the conference, at the same time pointed out: the capacity to adapt to China's epoxy resin system expansion and application technology advances in technology, as well as the rapid development of the industry situation, the organizational structure of the Society should be appropriate reorganization of all the activities of the Society should be synchronized with the continued development of the epoxy resin system and application technology industry. Society executive director will develop a work plan for 2010: Institute of Northwest Branch and Southwest Branch merged to form the Society of the west branch of the "; preparing for the formation of the Professional Committee of the Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture structural adhesives; Institute of the Yangtze River Delta Branch will be held in 2010 September organized by the theme of "environment-friendly electronic electrician" The first session of the Symposium; Society Northwest Branch electrician castable, APG VPG technology training course will be held from July to August 2010; Institute of Central China Branch Branch will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary activities. In the the warm applause atmosphere of the merry sound of music and all the representatives, the Secretary-General Yu Hao, one by one presented to the Society of member institutions "group members" logo bronze medal, congratulations on their performance and thank the contribution of the industry. The Exchange Conference Forest Products Chemical Industry Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, McNally New Materials Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Huayuan non-metallic powder materials Co., Ltd. sponsorship and strong support to them on behalf of the plenary session to express my deep thanks.

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